One Solution,
Endless Monetization Opportunities for Gaming

Purpose-built for gaming publishers, fusiion maximizes revenue through a simple integration to gain direct access to diverse direct and programmatic demand sources.

Our Trusted Partners

fusiion strategically sources high-quality demand from direct, programmatic, and Google sources
to maximize your ad revenue, not just fill slots.

Diversify Your Demand Stack to Maximize Revenue

Experience the next level of revenue growth with fusiion.

Certified Google Publishing Partner

Enhance your game's revenue potential with premium demand from Google Ad Manager and Google AdX. Tap into high-quality ad demand for optimized earnings.

Unlock Global Brand Budgets

iion’s immersiion platform provides instant access to global brands and agencies looking for gaming inventory. Activate new monetization channels and boost your ad revenue.

Scale Revenue with Programmatic Demand

Enter a diverse marketplace and engage with advertisers. Leverage real-time bidding to secure dynamic and profitable ad placements, that integrates into your game's environment.

Connect with Premier Brands

Create lasting partnerships with industry-leading brands for unparalleled monetization opportunities.

The Power of Brand Dollars in Gaming

Establish exclusive brand partnerships with the fusiion platform, seamlessly aligning your games with influential brands for enhanced monetization.
Boost fill rates and ARPDAU
Expand Your Revenue Horizons
Robust Monetization
Quality Branded Ads

iion's Ad Formats

Diverse Ad Formats, Enriched Gameplay, Multiplied Revenue Streams.

Around the Game

Easy Integration, Maximum Revenue

GAM Adapter Integration:
Easily integrate placements via GAM adapter on your selected mediation platform.
iion Adapter Integration:
Use iion adapter to unlock additional direct demand that is not available with GAM placements.


Unlock Fresh Revenue Streams

Activate incremental revenue streams and monetize the entire gaming session with blended in-play placements to your game via lightweight custom SDK on Unity.

Away from the Game

Web monetization meets with gaming demand.

Simply integrate all web placements using iion's prebid adapter with your existing prebid wrapper.

Turn Gameplay into Profit

It's time to power-up your game revenue strategy. Effortlessly integrate ad placements using the GAM adapter on your chosen mediation platform. Simplify the process, maximize the outcome.

Are you ready to level-up your monetization game?

Achievements Unlocked

How advertisers and publishers have achieved success with iion

Partnering with iion has streamlined our gaming campaigns, making them straightforward and impactful. Their platform is user-friendly, offering direct access to a vast network of game publishers, complemented by personalized support. This collaboration has simplified the process, enabling us to achieve and showcase significant outcomes with ease.


iion made us feel like they were part of our team every step of the way. The best part, we saw more than a 3% increase in ARPDAU with some of our ad formats. iion consistently ranks in the top 3 among our GAM partners. We would definitely recommend iion to other publishers for their quality customer support and technology. We are grateful for the partnership we have with iion.

Co-founder & CMO at APPS

The extensive reach through game advertising solidifies our exclusive partnership with iion as a transformative force in the advertising industry. Together with iion, brands and agencies gain access to a comprehensive game advertising strategy, revolutionizing their approach. Both ourselves and our clients have experienced remarkable satisfaction with the outcomes. Collaborating with iion's cutting-edge technology and exceptional service, we've witnessed the tangible benefits of personalized and relevant campaigns, culminating in stronger brand awareness, deeper ad engagement, and superior brand recognition.

Managing Director, The Tech Partners

Scroll Media loves the breadth and ease of use that iion provides. With a simple, intuitive platform and a supportive team behind it, iion's immersiion game advertising platform allows us to execute in-game, around the game, and away from game campaigns with ease. In the complex world of gaming, this eliminates the pain of working with multiple vendors to deliver the same results.

General Manager at Scroll Media